How often can our organisation assess our employees?
The assessment frequency can be set to custom dates specified by the organisational user. For all types, when an assessment period starts it lasts for one week after which it is closed. Although the default is one week, this can also be extended to a two-week open period if needed. The minimum time between assessments […]
Who will see the organisational results and when?
When an organisation report is generated at the end of an assessment period (the one or two week open and close dates for the assessment), this organisational report can either be kept from employees, embargoed for 48 hours, and then released, or immediately emailed to all employees and the organisational user at the same time […]
How secure is WoW?
With the assistance of security consultants and health information privacy experts, we are ensuring that WoW’s security measures are up to international speed with the most stringent requirements. As a result of WoW maintaining appropriate measures and standards, users can rest assured that their personal data is securely protected
How private are my results?
If you are an individual user, you choose whom you would like to share your results with. If you are an Employee, your Organisation does not get access to your reports, though you are consenting to your anonymous data being used to compile an overall organisational wellbeing report, possibly with group-level results. You can see […]
Do I have to share my results with my organisation?
Yes and No. If you are an individual user, you should not be sharing your result with your Organisation if employed. If you are an Employee, you agree by participating that an Organisational report can be complied using aggregate (group level) anonymous data – which includes employee data, or that your report will be automatically […]
Can I share my results?
Yes, with one condition. If you are an individual user, you may be employed, and if so, we only ask that you do not share your individual results with your Organisation or in any other commercial setting (like with a coach or health professional). If you are an Employee or Consultee (your organisation specifically asked […]