What should our organisation do if our wellbeing is low?
If you judge that your organisational report indicates that your organisation has low wellbeing, then we suggest you obtain advice from professionals (e.g., coaching psychologists, clinical psychologists, organisational psychologists, etc) to assist your employees. Identifying and providing support to your employees with the lowest wellbeing should be a priority.
How does a Wow assessment compare to other wellbeing assessments?
The WoW assessment is the best assessment commercially available. Most other wellbeing assessments are not based on the scientific literature, are not comprehensive, do not provide contextualised results, have very little or no flexibility, and most importantly, do not track wellbeing over time.
What should I do if my wellbeing is low?
The WoW provides a snapshot in time. We all have ups and downs. The WoW report and associated results should not be used to replace the advice of a qualified professional. If you are experiencing significant psychological difficulties, you should contact your doctor or qualified mental health professional.